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My path tracer
Offline rendering lab based on ray tracing
Note. GPU version is in development...
- [x] Volumetric path tracing with next event estimation
- [x] Volumetric particle tracing
- [x] Volumetric bidirectional path tracing
- [x] Stochastic progressive photon mapping
- [x] Primary sample space MLT on path tracing
- [x] ReSTIR renderer
- [x] Various material models: Disney principled BSDF, phong, DreamWorks fabric ...
- [x] Homogeneous/heterogeneous participating medium
- [x] Normalized diffusion BSSRDF
- [x] Almost all material properties can be specified with 2D/3D textures
- [x] Various geometry models: sphere, quad, triangle, disk, mesh
- [x] Two-level accelerating structure (SAH based BVH)
- [x] Importance sampled environment light
- [x] G-buffer output (albedo, normal, ...)
- [x] Depth of field
- [x] ACES tone mapping
- [x] Image sample space low-pass filter
- [x] (Optional) Integrated OIDN library
- [x] (Optional) Integrated Embree library
- [x] Interactive scene editor
Known Issues
- [ ] Relation between inv gamma correction & linear sampler of image texture
Food (rendered with bdpt) (scene ref here):
Juice (rendered with vol_bdpt) (scene ref here):
Classroom (rendered with vol_bdpt) (scene ref here):
Materials: (rendered with pt):
Fog (rendered with vol_bdpt):
BSSRDF (rendered with pt):
Bedroom (rendered with pt) (scene ref here):
Dining Room (rendered with bdpt) (scene ref here):