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Full project using the A9G - mail notifier (not an issue, but could help with project design)
This isn't an issue, but it could help people with their firmware and hardware designs for the A9/A9G. I've made a mail notifier using the A9G that sends JSON data to a web server when triggered. It also has a BME280 which communicates with the module via I2C, uses UART to communicate with an ATtiny402 microcontroller and can last for around 4-5 years on a single charge of a 10440 lithium battery (~320mAh). It also has a GPS tracker mode, and has hardware for controlling power to an active GPS antenna.
Looks decent! You could try doing the same with my micropython port.
Great project thanks for sharing.
Hope to learn from it.
Thanks :)
this looks great. when you were using the I2C from the A9G did you have to send all data i byte at a time or could you send through an array of items...
I'm trying to use I2C to communicate to a RTC module and althoguh i can request data i cannot set the current datetime on it
@medida I used I2C_Transmit() and I2C_Receive() to transfer multiple bytes at a time, see
@zkemble thanks - the I2C Transmit is much better code than the demo code from Ai-Thinker.. Not only was my code not functioning fully - a connection on my breadboard was faulty :(
Got I2C working thanks to @zkemble but it took me to long to learn how to use the API's. Loaded the AT firmware and hooked up a ATMega328 (TQFP body). Now after a few hours programming I have low power mode (0,22uA), triggers, SMS, RTC and store settings into EEPROM. I'm happy now :)
Sorry for sending the code @Pasboe been busy busy week.
So are you using an atmega to control the rtc which then wakes the pudding?
@zkemble Do you have a simple code about connect and get temperature data from the Adafruit_MLX90614 temperature sensor with the A9G development board Can you help me please?