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how to show the gps data on web
1. SDK version(SDK 版本)
2. In what kind of operation problems appear, and how to reproduce the problem ?(什么样的操作步骤问题会出现,是否是稳定复现,如何复现问题?)
我分别编译了MQTT, MQTT_SSL, NETWORK, NETWORK2, GPS, 目的只想将GPS的数值,原来是通过COOLWATCHER查看到的,现在想通过AWS 或者自己的服务器,读取到GPS数值,然后通过网页形式展现出来。求指点,怎么操作? 我完全摸不到头脑,不知道下一步怎么做?或者有什么教程可以参考的?万分感谢! I complie demo/mqtt, mqtt_ssl, network, network2, gps, then fire those to A9G module. I can see the gps data by Coolwatcher. My target just want to show the gps location on web, so I think the data maybe transmit to AWS or myself server, then we can use get/post command to get the loaction data. but I am a newer, I didn't have any ideas abou it. Does anyone know how to do it? Many thanks.
ey, could you solve it? I am trying to use post and get to an Heroku(API REST server) server but i cant and i dont know what i am doing wrong.