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Creating directories error: Please import Comet before importing any keras modules
It seems like current code have little bug on comet import according to the report, we have to import comet before keras modules
Create the trainer
importing trainers.CifarTrainer
getattr CifarTrainer
<class 'trainers.CifarTrainer.CifarTrainer'>
Please import Comet before importing any keras modules
Yeah I ended up resolving it by importing comet in main (hacky fix but not terribly bad)
Yeah I ended up resolving it by importing comet in main (hacky fix but not terribly bad)
Can you please elaborate how did you do it. Importing comet in main will throw the error: "name 'Experiment' is not defined". Because importing Comet in main means is not imported with Comet sadly.
Yeah nvm. Gotta import Comet twice, once in main and once in trainer. Wonder why this error is still not fixed.
Yes, it seems that the module "comet_ml" should be imported at the beginning.