Ahmed Lotfy

Results 30 comments of Ahmed Lotfy

# Building two services demonstrating **Contract Testing** ## Architecture Assume we have two microservices "Order" and "Product" for simplification they are sharing the same file system. For simplicification, order service...

@gouravkrosx Done, can you check the pull request linked with this issue # Sample Pact to demonstrate Contract Testing (SpringBoot) ## Architecture Assume we have three microservices "Customer" and "Product"...

@gouravkrosx I wonder whether my output is the desired or not? or I must integrate pact with Keploy's code?

Hey @shivamsouravjha I performed the following command as you said `sudo -E env PATH=$PATH keploy -race -c 'node /home/ahmed/Desktop/GSOC/Keploy/Issues/samples-typescript/express-mongoose/src/app.js'` but i got that the flag isn't found in keply: ![image](https://github.com/keploy/keploy/assets/76037906/8e76fd86-a020-40c2-9a2b-7618303f0bfd)

## Use keploy to record tests and mocks for multiple interconnected services: I made two spring boot interconnected microservices which are product and order # Models: ## Order ``` package...

Can you explain more about "a major update in one of the services"?

@gouravkrosx I started order service by keploy and the second one normally. but now when i started the second one with keploy one test case is generated for the second...

ok according to > By this, I mean that if there is some change in the API of the second service, how will it affect the other service? if I...

### I added the code with the PR linked to this issue #### After recording a testcase then change one field of the returned object in product service then record...

Hi @mpegia did you solve this problem?