SOTabBar icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
SOTabBar copied to clipboard

Light way to add Fancy bottom bar 📲

Results 17 SOTabBar issues
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Hi all. I want to set color Title SOTabBar Can u help me?

I want to move selected circle on orientation. which is not happening right now.

For example I need to show "login view controller" and if user input login and password then I need to show "profile view controller. How to do that with this...

For example SOTabBarViewController doesn't exist. Maybe SOTabBarController?

let imagev = UIImageView() imagev.image = UIImage(named: "star_icon") var mangeAppt = self.tabBarController?.tabBar.items![1] imagev.frame = CGRect(x:0,y: 0, width: 5, height: 5) imagev.startAnimating() self.tabBarController?.tabBar.bringSubviewToFront(imagev) self.tabBarController?.tabBar.addSubview(imagev)