VideoUIKit-Web-React copied to clipboard
Error in NextJS Production, no error in dev
This is the error I get:
11:53:52:111 Agora-SDK [INFO]: browser compatibility {"getDisplayMedia":true,"getStreamFromExtension":true,"supportUnifiedPlan":true,"supportMinBitrate":true,"supportSetRtpSenderParameters":true,"supportDualStream":true,"webAudioMediaStreamDest":true,"supportReplaceTrack":true,"supportWebGL":true,"webAudioWithAEC":false,"supportRequestFrame":true,"supportShareAudio":true,"supportDualStreamEncoding":false,"supportDataChannel":true,"supportPCSetConfiguration":true,"supportWebRTCEncodedTransform":true,"supportWebRTCInsertableStream":true} {"name":"Chrome","version":"123","os":"Mac OS","osVersion":"10.15.7"}
app-index.tsx:25 TypeError: r is not a function
at t.exports (index.js:8:58768)
at index.js:8:58832
at $a (index.js:8:5850)
at index.js:8:58520
at index.js:8:81
at 8734 (index.js:8:215)
at d (bootstrap:21:1)
at 3931 (index.modern.js:445:16)
at Function.d (bootstrap:21:1)
window.console.error @ app-index.tsx:25
And this is my code
'use client';
import dynamic from 'next/dynamic';
import { useState } from "react";
let AgoraUIKit = dynamic(() => import('agora-react-uikit'), { ssr: false });
type Role = "audience" | "host" | null
export default function Home() {
const [role, setRole] = useState<Role>();
return (
<main className="flex min-h-screen flex-col items-center justify-between p-24">
{AgoraUIKit && role ?
<AgoraUIKit rtcProps={{
appId: "",
channel: "test",
token: null,
role: role,
width: '100%',
height: '100%',
display: 'flex',
flexDirection: 'column',
justifyContent: 'center',
backgroundColor: '#f0f0f0',
/> : (
<button onClick={() => setRole("host")}>Join as Host</button>
<button onClick={() => setRole("audience")}>Join as Audience</button>
Also facing same issue. Is there any update? @lpbonomi did you solve it?
Hi, I ended up using another tool
Facing the same issue, anyone solved it?
I was able to work around UI kit by downgrading the Next.js to 14.1.4 version.