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Agora Unreal SDK - Blueprint (Beta)


The new github repository address is, if you want to use it, please click.

Important note 2022

This repo is a dated SDK that only can support UE4.23 and thus is deprecated. Agora is creating a new official BluePrint SDK (ver.4.x) that will be coming before the end of 2022.

Please be advised that the following information is only for reference.

AgoraVideoCall Sample App

The Agora Video Call is a demo app that will help you integrate Real Time Engagement directly into your Unreal Engine applications using the AgoraPlugin, that wraps Agora Video SDK.

With this sample app, you can:

  • Join / leave channel
  • Mute / unmute audio
  • Enable / disable video
  • Switch camera
  • Setup resolution and frame rate

Developed with Unreal Engine 4.23

There are two implementations of Agora Video Call demo application:

  1. C++ based.
  2. Blueprints based.

Supported Platforms

Windows 64-bit



Android (7-10)

Getting Started

**If you are starting with a blank project, start with C++ template

Agora plugin is implemented as separate module.

Download the plugin from the Releases section of the Repo and add the AgoraPlugin folder to the "Plugins" folder inside your Unreal project.

You can simply unzip and drop the entire AgoraPlugin folder inside of Plugins, and you're good to go! The folder structure should like like <ProjectName>/Plugins/AgoraPlugin/

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The iOS plugin is in a separate folder due to complications between Unreal and iOS building with Agora. This is a known issue and will be fixed in the next update.

Building and Running the App

Open AgoraVideoCall.uproject with Unreal Editor 4.23-4.25. Testing Agora Functionality:

  • PC: Play in editor or make a standalone build
  • Mac: Make a standalone build
  • iOS: Use Unreal's "Launch" feature
  • Android: Make an .apk file and copy it to device

To package the project:


File->Package Project->Windows->Windows(64-bit) then select a folder where you want to package and wait for result. Alt text

Next, copy the /Plugins/AgoraPlugin folder from your project into your built project folder: WindowsNoEditor/<project_name>/Plugins/AgoraPlugin


File -> Package Project -> Mac

Alt text

**Add the following permissions in the info.plist file for device access:

  1. Right click <YourProjectName>.app file - select "Show Package Contents"
  2. Go to "Contents->Info.plist"
  3. Click the plus next to "Information Property List" and add:

Privacy - Camera Usage Description

Privacy - Microphone Usage Description

**Add AgoraRtcKit.framework to your newly built project

  1. Package the project from Unreal
  2. From inside the Plugins folder of the project, copy the file: AgoraRtcKit.framework from Plugins/AgoraPlugin/Source/ThirdParty/Agora/Mac/Release to
  3. Paste file into your newly built project folder (Packaged project dir)/MacNoEditor/[project_name]/Contents/MacOS/


iOS Packaging

To package the project for iOS, you need to have a Signing Certificate and Provisioning Profile and add it to your project. I would highly recommend going to Project Settings > Platforms > iOS > Build > and check "Automatic Signing" - this saves a lot of headache.

iOS settings

If you don't have one: follow the instructions from UE4 documentation: iOS Provisioning Go to the Edit->Project Settings->Platforms: iOS, then select the certificate and provisioning profile you created.

If you don't see one of them in the table, click Import Certificate or Import Provision, chose the right file in Finder and click Open.

Then enter a Bundle Identifier: it must be the Bundle Id you used during certificate creation.

iOS Testing

To test your Agora project on your iOS device:

  1. Connect your phone to your computer via USB
  2. Make sure your signing certificates are all up to date and working
  3. In the Unreal "Toolbar" (Save, Compile, Source Control, etc.) click the "Launch" button (to the right of Play) with your device selected in the dropdown

iOS permissions

In the iOS you also need the following permissions:

Privacy - Camera Usage Description

Privacy - Microphone Usage Description

To add them in the info.plist go to the Edit->Project Settings->Platforms: iOS and enter the following line to Additional Plist Data: <key>NSCameraUsageDescription</key><string>AgoraVideoCall</string> <key>NSMicrophoneUsageDescription</key><string>AgoraVideoCall</string>

Now you are ready to package your project for iOS or launch it on iOS device.

Android Packaging

Using Blueprints, you have to request Android Permissions like so: Alt text

In your Unreal Project Settings, include these permissions at Project Settings > Platforms > Android > Advanced APK Packaging > Extra Permissions Alt text

Plugin Dependencies

  1. Copy the plugin to [your_project]/Plugins
  2. Add plugin dependency into [your_project]/Source/[project_name]/[project_name].Build.cs, Private Dependencies section

PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "AgoraPlugin", "AgoraBlueprintable" });

If the version of your Unreal Editor is 4.24 or higher add the following into [your_project]/Source/[project_name]Editor.Target.cs

DefaultBuildSettings = BuildSettingsVersion.V2;

  1. Open Unreal Project, go to Edit->Plugins. Find category Project->Other and make sure plugin is enabled.

Enable Plugin

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