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[RubyForge-19122] Reusable aspects: deferred definition of pointcuts and advising of join points
Date:2008-03-26 12:49 Priority:3 Submitted By:Dean Wampler (deanwampler) Assigned To:Dean Wampler (deanwampler) Category:None State:Open Summary:Reusable aspects: deferred definition of pointcuts and advising of join points
Detailed description
There is currently no easy way to define a reusable aspect, where the actual pointcuts are specified and evaluated later, because the Aspect is evaluated as soon as it is declared!
It would not be difficult to extend Aspect to defer evaluation (See #19 (RubyForge-14054) for a related feature request). It should also be possible to allow deferred specification of pointcuts.
For now, there is a "module_eval" hack documented in examples/reusable_aspect_hack_example.rb