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Using Aquarium to spec asyncronous web applications.

Open hedgehog opened this issue 15 years ago • 3 comments

I am not sure this application can be accomodated but I thought to bring this use case to your attention.

Context: Exploring using Aquarium to write RSpec examples of async_sinatra behavior.

In sinatra/base.rb you'll see something like this:

        define_method "#{verb} #{path}", &block if block_given?
        unbound_method = instance_method("#{verb} #{path}") 
        block =
          if block.arity != 0
            proc { unbound_method.bind(self).call(*@block_params) }
            proc { unbound_method.bind(self).call }

I see this error when I try to replicate the method_tracing_example_spec.rb

`@@_aspect_class_advice_chain_ASSpec_HEAD _slash_foo' is not allowed as a class variable name

The spec helper file:

require 'eventmachine'
dir = "/usr/src/"
require dir + 'em-spec/lib/em-spec/rspec' # or 'bacon' or 'test'
require dir + 'em-spec/lib/ext/fiber18'
require dir + 'sinatra/lib/sinatra/base'
require dir + 'async_sinatra/lib/sinatra/async'
# require dir + 'async_sinatra/spec/as_server'
require 'aquarium'

include Aquarium::Aspects

module Sinatra
  module Async
    module SpecHelper
#      include ::Sinatra::Async::SpecServer
      include ::EM::SpecHelper


Spec::Runner.configure do |config|
  include ::Sinatra::Async::SpecHelper

The spec file:

dir = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))
require dir + '/as_spec_helper'
module Sinatra
  describe Async, "routes when testing with EM::SpecHelper" do

  default_timeout 400

    class ::ASSpec  :all_methods,
        :for_type => ::ASSpec, :restricting_methods_to => :exclude_ancestor_methods do |execution_point, obj, *args|
          obj.log "Entering: #{}##{execution_point.method_name}: args = #{args.inspect}"
          obj.log "Leaving: #{}##{execution_point.method_name}: args = #{args.inspect}"

#    it "should still work as usual" do
#      as_app = asinatra(ASSpec) do
#        visit ''
#      end
#      #resp.body.should == "hello from aget"
#    end
#    it "should not require a call to done when #em is not used" do
#        1.should == 1
#    end
#    it "should have timers" do
#      em do
#        start =
#        EM.add_timer(0.5){
#          ( be_close( 0.5, 0.1 )
#          done
#        }
#      end
#    end

hedgehog avatar Jan 18 '10 06:01 hedgehog

It looks like there is a space in the method name. Could you confirm that you didn't introduce the space accidentally? If not, I'll see what I can figure out.

deanwampler avatar Jan 19 '10 15:01 deanwampler

Yes there is a space. I haven't worked out why but this does seem to be intentional by the Sinatra community - I'm just starting to get to grips with their code.

hedgehog avatar Jan 19 '10 20:01 hedgehog

Oh, interesting. I guess I could handle spaces in names, too! I'll add that to my list...

deanwampler avatar Jan 19 '10 20:01 deanwampler