Results 62 issues of David

This is minor, but as someone who consumes this repo I get PRs via renovate that can surface the changelog from an incoming release. Would it be possible to have...

This package is not arm compatible for linux meaning that if we want to install on something like Linux on Gravitron we are unable to. It looks like needs...

Allow the user to pass the base url to pull the binaries through. Useful for airgapped systems

This allows users to pull prebuilt binaries through their own proxy endpoints instead of hitting

### What happened? I have an esbuild rule that I would assume is bundling a small config and it _should_ have dependencies built into the output. However, on CI we...


### What happened? We currently run bazel coverage on all our tests. The input to our tests are `cjs` files that come from `ts`. These files are generated with `rules_swc`...

untriaged This logic checks if the reporters needed are in the reporter array already, and if not adds it. However, you can have a reporter in the reporters array that...


### What happened? Jest allows users to write `toMatchInlineSnapshots`, which involves writing a snapshot to the source file instead of the snapshot file itself. However, in Bazel source files are...


### What happened? There is a bug today where doing `bazel run` will pass, but not remove the stale snapshot. If you run `bazel test`, the snapshot will be marked...


### What happened? When passing a config that expects the ability to import relative to the root dir (root dir being where the package.json is) this `modulePaths` override is ignored...
