@michael-s-molina @betodealmeida May I know in the code where it is adding limit 100 ?
I checked /run/ direcoty and found there . checked the permission `-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Aug 8 03:23`
@hakavlad What kind of logs should i provide ?
@hakavlad This error is thrown when i tried oomd as well. So it can be a container level issue and my pid file seems empty all the time.
@strongduanmu ``` dataSources: db0: dataSourceClassName: com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource driverClassName: jdbcUrl: jdbc:sqlserver://;databaseName=db1;loginTimeout=300;encrypt=false; username: adm db1: dataSourceClassName: com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource driverClassName: jdbcUrl: jdbc:sqlserver://;databaseName=db11;loginTimeout=300;encrypt=false; username: adm rules: - !SQL_FEDERATION sqlFederationEnabled: true executionPlanCache: initialCapacity: 1000 maximumSize:...
@strongduanmu Do you want any other info from me ?
@strongduanmu I am still learning how it works. I can reproduce this with MySQL schemas also.
@strongduanmu Forgot to mention that I am using java API to add default sharding strategy. ` shardingRuleConfig.setDefaultDatabaseShardingStrategy(new StandardShardingStrategyConfiguration("Accountid", "shardingLogic"));` shardingLogic is a custom sharding Logic ``` public final class ShardingLogic...