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A component to implement privacy by design in your PHP project.


A component to implement privacy by design in your PHP project.

This component follows a discussion on Symfony in #26231.

EU Law

To ease the development consequences of the privacy regulations and directives, we provide a condesed version of the GDPR regulation and of the Privacy Cookie Directive.

Those two documents are the same as the ones provided by the EU but without all the legalese.

Also if they not make the law (the Law always is the one you can find in the official documents of the EU), they are useful tools to understand which are the implications on our lives as developers and on our apps as wrote following the "Privacy by Design" principles.

Here's the list of available documents:

  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


  1. deve permettere di creare una pagina che elenca i servizi usati e i cookie che installano
  2. Da questa pagina deve essere possibile selezionare e deselezionare i servizi
  3. La scelta va memorizzata nel cookie
  4. Quando un utente accede alla pagina controllo se il cookie esiste: se non esiste, allora mostro l’informativa breve
  5. Quando clicca su accetto, creo il cookie e memorizzo l’accettazione.
  6. Posso decidere di abilitare o disabilitare tutti i cookie di default
  7. C’è un metodo ‘consentedTo()’ che permette di verificare se l’utente corrente ha acconsentito o meno

Officer = Workflow PolicyBuilder = DefinitionBuilder Policy = Definition Consent = contiene i consensi dati dall’utente

PolicyBuilder = new PolicyBuilder() Policy = PolicyBuilder->addConsentRequest(‘google_analytics’) ->addConsentRequest(‘facebook’) ->drawUp(); (redigi)

Officer = new Officer(Policy, Consents) Officer->consentedTo(‘google_analytics’) Officer->getPolicy() Officer->getConsents() Officer->getWithholds() Officer->setConsentTo(‘google_analytics) Officer->getConsents() : Consents