learning_by_grad_by_grad_repro copied to clipboard
Reproduction of "Learning to Learn by Gradient Descent by Gradient Descent"
Hi... Nice work. I was trying to run the code. While running the part where all optimizers are considered, I got the error "Optimizers got an empty parameter list. This...
Hi, I tried applying the MNIST code to FashionMNIST however the code does not seem to train the LSMT optimizer properly. To change to the FashionMNIST dataset, all I changed...
Thank you for the great effort! 1. Is the reason of not using nn.Parameters but using Variables can be explained by [this post](https://discuss.pytorch.org/t/nn-parameter-doesnt-retain-grad-fn/29214)? 2. I think relying on Variables is...
Currently, we recreate the optimizee each time, instead of doing this, we can simply use the `zero_grad()` code to reset the gradients in the optimizee.
hi, I found your notebook really of great value to me. But after reading and running your code, I got several questions afflicting me for a while. 1. In `do_fit`...