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removal of rhino

Open judovana opened this issue 5 years ago • 10 comments

Hi! I would like to remove rhino, and substitute it by nashorn. However, that is dead end too. In future, it can be replaced byJS on graal. Generally - all this JS depndencies, are because of

What about dropping this feature at all? thoughts?

judovana avatar Apr 09 '19 12:04 judovana

+1 But we can not simply remove the dependency since it is referenced in Java code. We need to refactor the code, too.

hendrikebbers avatar Apr 09 '19 12:04 hendrikebbers

Yes. But the reason why it is in code is questionable. As I wrote, it can be directly replaced by nashorn. But nashorn is deprecated. So ITW will be carying rhino for ever? Or the (sorry for wording) absolutley stupid idea to use javascript to provide proxy settings... For me, I would drop it. ( but in same time somebody will compalin that it was in use in last 100 years) - so my reason for remove it now, is the very intensive of itw rework you are oding. Otherwise I would not dare to suggest it.

judovana avatar Apr 11 '19 09:04 judovana

yes, I only wanted to say that we need to do more than just remove the dependency from maven ;)

hendrikebbers avatar Apr 11 '19 10:04 hendrikebbers

Yes to what:) To repalce rhino by nashorn, or drop js/pac proxy config?

judovana avatar Apr 12 '19 14:04 judovana

I confirm that it is still in use ... and know some corporation who use proxy pac configuration. When PAC is not picked up (java without javaws) it is a nightmare for us to explain what they must do for them to allow connection to outside ( whitelist etc )

Or the (sorry for wording) absolutley stupid idea to use javascript to provide proxy settings... maybe stupid but usefull in some case and used

Removing this feature is not an enhancement

Maybe replace dependency and postpone the remove from the feature at later time. Maybe add a warning to user if PAC is detected to say it is deprecated before removing in x month ?

douph1 avatar Apr 16 '19 22:04 douph1

Rhino is good enough to handle the PAC. Nashorn has a better performance but that's not critical for interpreting a simple proxy.pac file. If Nashorn was available as a standalone jar smaller than Rhino, then that might be interesting to switch.

ebourg avatar Apr 18 '19 10:04 ebourg

I think we have to keep PAC-support, but I will double check. My suggestion is to rewrite the code to be based on JSR 223 (Scripting API). This would make it simple to switch to Nashorn, GraalVM or whatnot in the future.

netopyr avatar Apr 18 '19 21:04 netopyr

Using the scripting API is a good idea.

ebourg avatar Apr 18 '19 23:04 ebourg

We use in our company pac. Therefore, I would be against to remove that.

lherschi avatar May 17 '19 09:05 lherschi

accidentialy closed.

Jamila891 avatar Sep 11 '20 07:09 Jamila891