Adeel Khan

Results 24 comments of Adeel Khan

This is a great idea and totally implementable. I'll take a look at it when I have a some free time, a bit busy around the holidays unfortunately, but thank...

So right now you can change the attribute to another column name, and get the sum of that other column like this: ```r collapsibleTreeSummary( warpbreaks, c("wool", "tension", "breaks"), attribute =...

hmmm I can try to take a stab at this, but I can see this turning out to be one of those "hard problems" of visualization. do you example data/code...

![rplot]( I've tweaked some node separation logic in the github version, how does this look?

Every row in the data frame corresponds to a leaf in the tree. Mapping a column to color would allow you to define leaf colors, but wouldn't allow you to...

goblet config is merely a wrapper around [gcloud run deploy commands]( So, you need an entry for `vpc-connector` in your config

With the new goblet, this is: ```json "cloudrun_revision": { "vpcAccess": { "connector": "VPC_CONNECTOR_NAME", "egress": "PRIVATE_RANGES_ONLY" } } ```

If you hit F12 in your browser and pull up the developer console, do you see any errors?

Looks to be related to this: