I would like to have option to install older version of addon . Sometimes it happens author changes are so bad that we need to use older version of addon....
chat is getting spamed with " adicionando ao cache: Gorged Decayfly" . Starting to happen when i installed latest alpha. when i switch to beta version its gone
Cant create World boss grps automaticly for some reason. For instance Mor'geth is f.. stupid to create for me since i dont have that special char and game doesnt alow...
Would it be possiable to have something like this: person goes to certain WA,there is button install,presses it, next time person uses WA companion it shows that there is new...
Error occured in: Global Count: 1 Message: Usage: local position = C_Map.GetPlayerMapPosition(uiMapID, unitToken) Debug: [string "=(tail call)"]: ? [string "=(tail call)"]: ? [string "=[C]"]: ? [string "=[C]"]: GetPlayerMapPosition() [string "@Interface/AddOns/WorldQuestTracker/WorldQuestTracker_ZoneMap.lua"]:735:...
update for 9.1.5?
IF you point to bazooka plugin it produeces this error and also shows only pet tracker icon not pet missing/total pets in area. Error occured in: Global Count: 1 Message:...
It seems Neuron isnt supresing blizz pet bar so i am getting double pet bars
Count: 1 Message: Interface/AddOns/Neuron/Neuron-DisableBlizzardUI.lua line 168: attempt to index global 'MirrorTimer1' (a nil value) Debug: [string "=(tail call)"]: ? [string "=(tail call)"]: ? [string "=[C]"]: ? [string "@Interface/AddOns/Neuron/Neuron-DisableBlizzardUI.lua"]:168: HideBlizzardUI() [string...
Anyone else exp problems in putting new spells and especially macros into new bars and sometimes into old bars (old meaning pre DF and especially new one created after DF)...