ember-table copied to clipboard
Occulsion doesn't work
I have loaded 250+ rows in the ember table. I notice that 30 or 40 load initially and the rest of the space is empty(whitespace), and then as i scroll or wait for a few seconds, all the other rows load together. It doesn't depend on the section that the user is viewing. All the remaining rows load together.
In Edge, i get the 'Not responding' error and the browser gets stuck for a few seconds.
Please let me know what i'm doing wrong?
Used a new Ember project with v2.0.0-beta.4`
{{#ember-table as |t|}}
{{#t.head widthConstraint=widthConstraint enableResize=resizeEnabled enableReorder=reorderEnabled resizeMode=resizeMode columns=columns as |h| }}
{{#h.row as |r|}}
{{#r.cell as |cell column|}}
{{#if column.headerComponent}}
{{#component column.headerComponent custom=column.custom}}
{{#t.body rows=rows as |b|}}
{{#b.row as |r|}}
{{#r.cell as |cell column|}}
{{#if column.cellComponent}}
{{#component column.cellComponent value=cell clickCell=(action 'clickItem') hoverCell=(action 'hoverItem')}}
JS Any set of column /row configuration with 250+ rows
@rahul9fret Can you try with the most recent version of Ember Table? Right now, that is 2.0.0-beta.8
I'm still facing the same issue whitespace is coming in IE with ember table latest version then suddenly the rows get renderer. I guess it a problem with vertical-collection when I scroll down and then top it is showing me whitespace after that showing table rows starting from 2nd-row data, But developer tools its showing "And 1 item before". In Actual it should show me from "0 Items before" as I was on scroll top Please suggest.
Having similar issues with IE, whitespaces on the top after scrolling a bit down and back up.
Did anyone solve this? I'm experiencing this issue on Chrome. Works fine in Edge/FF
To circle back on this, rendering wasn't working correctly without setting the containerSelector explicitly in IE11.
Something like
Fixed the issue I was seeing.
From: Michal Kall [email protected] Sent: Monday, June 8, 2020 6:37 AM To: Addepar/ember-table [email protected] Cc: Van Pham, Daniel [USA] [email protected]; Comment [email protected] Subject: [External] Re: [Addepar/ember-table] Occulsion doesn't work (#617)
Any answers to this one ?
experiencing same issue on IE 11.
White space on the top of the table, and having to scroll down and up to get first 4 items loaded.
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In addition, also had to set staticHeight to true and set the estimated row size - the performance wasn't great but it worked at least.