gitlab-ce-ldap-sync icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
gitlab-ce-ldap-sync copied to clipboard

Synchronise users and groups (including group members) from an LDAP instance with Gitlab CE (and EE in free tier) self-hosted instance(s).

Results 21 gitlab-ce-ldap-sync issues
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When specifying a group DN, it fails to find members of the group. My guess is that the users are not included in the same OU as the GroupDN so...


If a user in Gitlab is blocked because the LDAP back end is imposing that then this tool will fail with error: > [error] Gitlab failure: 403 Forbidden - LDAP...


Hi, Is it possible to use filter with attributes instead objects ? For example userFilter: (&(attrib1=x)(attrib2=y)) In my cas it doesn't work. Thanks


I had looked into an almost identical issue on an unrelated project, in that what should happen if a vital attribute (such as "cn" or "uid") or a record DN...

need discussion

If a user whom has already been synchronised changes their email address in the directory resynchronising them will fail with Gitlab throwing error message: > "public_email" is not an email...

need testing

Our Admin would sometimes need to open another account for our users in AD and transfer their email address to the new account. The old account is then deactivated or...


Hello Adam, I have the following setup: ``` queries: baseDn: dc=awd-group,dc=tech userDn: ou=People userFilter: "(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)" userUniqueAttribute: "cn" userMatchAttribute: ~ userNameAttribute: "displayName" userEmailAttribute: "mail" groupDn: "ou=Group" groupFilter: "(objectClass=groupOfUniqueNames)" groupUniqueAttribute: "cn" groupMemberAttribute:...

need info

In our scenario we sometimes want to add another member to a subgroup. That member is not part of the group and is only invited to join the subgroup. What...

So I have this scenario. I've had a LDAP group with users in them. ldap-sync will create these users and group. Then I've deleted those users and the group from...


``` [error] Gitlab failure: "namespace.route" can't be blank, "notification_email" can't be blank, "notification_email" is invalid ```

need info