pool icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
pool copied to clipboard

ADAMANT Forging pool with Web interface

ADAMANT Forging Pool

Read more about Forging, delegates, Fair dPoS, and how to run your Forging pool

This software is a successor of outdated v2 Forging pool

Calculate and transfer voters’ rewards automatically.

  • :rainbow: Easy to install
  • :handshake: Reliable, uses decentralized network advantages
  • :hammer_and_wrench: Customizable (using config file)
  • :scroll: History stored in local files (powered by lowdb)
  • :rocket: Minimum server requirements: 1 vCPU and 512 MB of RAM
  • :carpentry_saw: You can setup the pool on a separate machine without a node
  • :chart_with_upwards_trend: Dashboard for voters with mobile version support
  • :bell: Notification system via ADAMANT or Slack for admin



  • NodeJS v16+ (already installed if you have a node on your machine)


Clone the repository with pool into a newly created directory:

git clone https://github.com/Adamant-im/pool

Move to directory with the cloned repository:

cd pool

Install dependencies using npm or any other package manager:

npm install

Build a website:

npm run build:web

Pre-launch tuning

Copy default config as config.jsonc:

cp config.default.jsonc config.jsonc

And edit that file by inserting the pool's secret phrase as the minimum configuration, e.g. using nano:

nano config.jsonc

See comments in config.default.jsonc for more parameters.

Migration from v2

To migrate a database from v2 run the migration script with the specified path to the target pool or database:

# or ~/adamant-pool/db
$ node scripts/migrate.mjs ~/adamant-pool


You can start the pool using npm command:

npm run start

but we recommend to use a process manager to start the pool, f.e. pm2:

pm2 start ./scripts/start.sh --name "adamantpool"

Add pool to cron

Edit crontab file using the command below:

crontab -e

and paste the string:

@reboot cd /home/adamant/pool && pm2 start /home/adamant/pool/scripts/start.sh --name "adamantpool"


Please have a look at the CONTRIBUTING.md