Adam Willden
Adam Willden
I assume you're not targeting systemjs @ < 0.17
I should say I have no way of running the plugin to properly test it... as I'm using another plugin which depends upon this. I assume you know of way...
Thanks @jcestibariz :-) I've since realised that multiple calls to `System.config` are okay so the code could be simplified a bit so that rather than modifying `karma.config.systemjs.config` we could just...
@errorx666 thanks for pointing this out. It helped me create #92
Hi, Does anyone have an update on this? We are on Win2k12. I'm not using `InvokeCommandAs` but am facing the same issue having registered some jobs through PowerShell. The jobs...
Cracked it, in my case at least. ``` try { $jobDef =[Microsoft.PowerShell.ScheduledJob.ScheduledJobDefinition]::LoadFromStore('MY-TASK', 'C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\ScheduledJobs'); } catch { Write-Host $PSItem.Exception } ``` This gave me not only the underlying exception but also...
I hope others may be able to use this information to understand the actual problem encountered (which may be different to my experience).
@mkellerman I'm really sorry but I have no idea how this relates to this issue specifically. As I said I'm not using `Invoke-CommandAs` myself (although funnily I found and considered...
I have looked and I see you do a lot of modification of the task in the script. So you need to probably make sure the task and scheduled job...
+1 I'm in agreement too and can't say it any better than @tyrsius did (I tried...)!