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cov--lcov-parse error

Open kmerfeld opened this issue 2 years ago • 3 comments

in cov--lcov-parse I need to add the following to get this working

diff --git a/cov.el b/cov.el
index c73082a..2af6d69 100644
--- a/cov.el
+++ b/cov.el
@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ Return a list `((FILE . ((LINE-NUM EXEC-COUNT) ...)) ...)'."
                         (setq sourcefile (file-truename
                                            (buffer-substring (point) (line-end-position))
-                                           (file-name-directory cov-coverage-file))))
+                                           (replace-regexp-in-string "/.coverage/$" "" (file-name-directory cov-coverage-file)))))
                         (setq filelines
                               (or (gethash sourcefile data)
                                   (puthash sourcefile (make-hash-table :test 'eql) data)))))

my file is in $projectroot/.coverage/ each path in cov-coverages was getting /.coverage/ in it

I don't really understand why this is happening, do you have any insight?

Thanks for your work on this project!

kmerfeld avatar Jul 22 '22 03:07 kmerfeld

What tool are you using to generate that file? The lines starting with SF in the file are supposed to be absolute paths to the originating souce file. Is this not the case for you?

snogge avatar Jul 22 '22 22:07 snogge

I'm using nyc/babel-plugin-istanbul

In the file it doesn't have the /.coverage/ path SF:src/app.js

kmerfeld avatar Jul 24 '22 13:07 kmerfeld

OK, that is not an absolute path which I assumed when I wrote the parser. According to the istanbul docs here , the file should have the SF lines like SF:$PROJECT_PATH/src/bar/index.ts So is this a configuration problem on your end?

I don't do any JS coding, so I wont be able to set up any test projects. I also do not know the ecosystem, but maybe you know which project could answer why the paths are not absolute?

I have an idea that might work, but I would like to know how you find the file from your source files.

snogge avatar Jul 25 '22 18:07 snogge

your right, this is nyc doing something weird

Thanks for helping me find this!

kmerfeld avatar Aug 05 '22 16:08 kmerfeld

Just so I do not forget: My idea was, that if I from /some/project/containing/source.js find /some/project/unrelated/ and the SF entries in that file are relative it should be possible to find SF entries that match the end of the source file path; containing/source.js in this case. It is then possible to determine that the "project root" for should be /some/project. Each source file referenced by then has to be prefixed by this path in the cov data structures.

But it should be noted that the lcov docs clearly states that the SF entries should be absolute paths.

snogge avatar Aug 05 '22 23:08 snogge