Retina-Sprites-for-Compass copied to clipboard
"List index is 2 but list is only 1 item long for `nth'"
The sprite map is building, but I keep getting the following error when I try to compile and I'm not sure if it's something I'm doing wrong.
Error: List index is 2 but list is only 1 item long for `nth'
on line 39 of /retina/_sprite.scss, in `retina-sprite'
$retina-sprite-spacing: 10px;
@include retina-sprite-add(social, "sprites/1x/social/*.png", "sprites/2x/social/*.png");
.icon {
&-behance {
@include retina-sprite(behance, social, $hover: true);
&-facebook {
@include retina-sprite(facebook, social, $hover: true);
&-pinterest {
@include retina-sprite(pinterest, social, $hover: true);
&-twitter {
@include retina-sprite(twitter, social, $hover: true);
Ah, I've updated to the src files, these need to be updated in the demo of release2.0
I'll create a PR
Unfortunately I can't commit my change as I don't have access rights.
I'll leave this open, so that hopefully it will be seen.
Thank you
Thanks for the update @kaelifa ! Can you fork the repo and then make a PR?
If not, I can add you as a collaborator... more than happy to have more help :smile: