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Deep Learning Nanodegree by Udacity.

Deep Learning Nanodegree Udacity

This is the repository for my implementations on mayor projects of the Deep Learning Nanodegree from Udacity.


Neural Networks.

  • Mathematical demonstrations:

  • Weight Initilization review:

    • Implemented using TensorFlow.
    • Implication of different initializations over Cost function and Gradient descent.
    • Reviewed:
      • Ones initializatialization.
      • Uniform distribution, saled uniform.
      • Normal distribution, truncated distribution.
      • Comparison to Xavier initialization.
  • Batch Normalization:

    • Implemented on TensorFlow.
    • Used in fully connected and convolutional layers.
    • Two levels of implementation:
      • Higher level of abstraction, tf.layers.batch_normalization: TensorFlow takes care of the normalization for training and inference, control dependencies through tf.control_dependencies() and tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS.
      • Lower level, tf.nn.batch_normalization: Explicit implementation instanciating gamma, beta, and calculating the batch/population mean, variance. Control training and inference through tf.cond().
  • Sentiment Analysis using MLPs:

    • Implemented on Numpy/Python.
    • Predict Positive/Negative sentiment over movie reviews.
    • Preprocess data:
      • Create vocabulary, word frequency.
      • Analyze word-freq/sentiment review ratio.
      • Bit encoding per word.
    • Built the neural network.
    • Reviewed limitations with word freq instead of word-sentiment relationship. 10% Validation accuracy improvement.
  • Bike Sharing Project:

    • Implemented on Numpy/Python.
    • Load & prepare the data:
      • Normalize features.
      • Created training, validation and test data.
    • Implement forward and backward propagation.
    • Trained and tested accuracy.

Convolutional Neural Networks.

  • CNN Autoencoder:

    • Implemented using Keras.
    • Usage of CNNs for encoding-decoding.
    • Denoising images.
  • Data Augmentation & Transfer Learning:

    • Implemented using Keras.
    • Explored data augmentation of CIFAR-10 with ImageDataGenerator from Keras, and impact of it over training.
    • Reviewed transfer learning on VGG-16, bottleneck feature extraccion and new FC layers over them.
  • Dog Breed Prediction Project:

    • Implemented using Keras.
    • Created CNN model from scratch and achieved at least 5% test accuracy in the first 5 epochs using data augmentation.
    • Used transfer learning of Xception model, and data augmentation to achieve 83% test accuracy.
    • Xception paper: Xception: Deep Learning with Depthwise Separable Convolutions

Recurrent Neural Networks.

Generative Adversarial Neural Networks.

Deep Reinforcement Learning.