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Property-based testing
Basis: Hypothesis
Property-Based Test for Model Parser
- Generate model
- Convert to specification
- Parse specification
- Compare models
To be tested entities:
- [x] ModularInteger
- [x] RangeInteger
- [x] Enumeration
- [x] Message
- [x] Refinement
Property-Based Test for Expression Parser
- Generate expression
- Convert to specification
- Parse specification
- Compare expressions
To be tested entities:
- [x] TRUE
- [x] FALSE
- [x] And
- [x] Or
- [x] Add
- [x] Mul
- [x] Sub
- [x] Div
- [x] Number
- [x] Variable
- [x] Length
- [x] First
- [x] Last
- [x] Aggregate
- [x] Less
- [x] LessEqual
- [x] Equal
- [x] GreaterEqual
- [x] Greater
- [x] NotEqual
Property-Based Test for SPARK Code Generator
- Generate model
- Generate SPARK code
- Compile generated code
- Prove generated code
Property-Based Test for Expression Conversion (RecordFlux ⇿ Ada)
- [ ] Complete tested expressions
Found Issues
#298, #305, #309, #310, #311, #312, #313, #314, #315, #316, #317, #319, #320
It is now possible to integrate icontract with Hypothesis: icontract-hypothesis. The most interesting part is the automatic inference of Hypothesis strategies based on contracts, i.e. test cases for a function can be generated automatically based on its preconditions.