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Shorter syntax for integer types covering entire value range
Context and Problem Statement
Declaring an integer type which covers the entire value range can be quite cumbersome:
type T is range 0 .. 2 ** 16 - 1 with Size => 16;
Use Cases
There are many cases in message formats of real world protocols where such integers are required.
Considered Options
O1 Optional Size
type T is range 0 .. 2 ** 16 - 1;
+ No new keyword − Implicit determination of type size could be confusing for user
O2 Box instead value range
type T is range <> with Size => 16;
+ No new keyword
− range <>
does also occur in Ada, but in different context, so could be confusing for Ada programmers
O3 New keyword
type T is size 16;
+ Concise − New keyword (with the same name as an existing aspect)
type T is unsigned 16;
+ Concise
+ Can be extended by signed
keyword for signed integer types
− New keyword
O4 Reuse syntax of modular types
type T is mod 2**16;
− Well-known syntax for Ada programmers, but different semantics as in Ada (cf. #727)
Decision Outcome