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Test data for validation of existing message specifications
Test data for all existing specifications should be added. For each message of a specification file a set of valid and invalid messages should be added to validate the correctness of the message specification using the tool developed in Componolit/RecordFlux-specifications#7.
For packages that import other specifications but do not use messages from these packages as refinements, the coverage report will never output a 100% coverage (or anything > 0 for the imported specifications).
For example, ARP (arp.rflx
) imports ipv4.rflx
and ethernet.rflx
, but does not define a refinement arp -> ethernet (of cause not), but uses values defined in ethernet.rflx
(e.g. Pro : Ethernet::Ether_Type
). Therefore, the coverage report for arp.rflx
looks like below.
I think this report format is a bit confusing, since one would expect one coverage report per specification file.
RecordFlux Validation Coverage Report
Directory: /home/rs/Dev/RecordFlux-specifications
File Links Used Coverage
ipv4.rflx 25 25 100.00%
ethernet.rflx 12 0 0.00%
arp.rflx 10 0 0.00%
TOTAL 47 25 53.19%
RecordFlux Validation Coverage Report
Directory: /home/rs/Dev/RecordFlux-specifications
File Links Used Coverage
ipv4.rflx 25 0 0.00%
ethernet.rflx 12 12 100.00%
arp.rflx 10 0 0.00%
TOTAL 47 12 25.53%
RecordFlux Validation Coverage Report
Directory: /home/rs/Dev/RecordFlux-specifications
File Links Used Coverage
ipv4.rflx 25 0 0.00%
ethernet.rflx 12 0 0.00%
arp.rflx 10 10 100.00%
TOTAL 47 10 21.28%
Sounds like a bug in the validator. Could you please open a ticket for that in the RecordFlux repository? Is that also related to Can we get 100 %, coverage, if there are multiple independent messages in one specification file?
Can we get 100 %, coverage, if there are multiple independent messages in one specification file?
As far as I remember, the output is on a per-message basis. Only the message specification with the name passed as an argument to validate
is checked. The unit-test test_validate_spec
solves this by invoking the tool separately for each message in a package, but one would get a separate coverage report for each message. ~~The output is misleading here as we have the column "File", which implies the whole specification is checked.~~
I think ee made this decision, because you could have e.g. IPv4 Options messages, that cannot occur independently.
The output is misleading here as we have the column "File", which implies the whole specification is checked.
We should also look for a better solution here. This issue should be also recorded in a RecordFlux ticket. Could you please take care of that?
I need to partly correct myself on this. The coverage report contains the reached coverage over the entire file. So "File" is not misplaced. However, 100% coverage could never be reached in a single coverage report if there are two completely separate messages defined in a specification. This is because the validator works on a single message per run, as stated above.
The problem with the multiple coverage reports is caused by the unit test. It runs for every package of a pyrflx container and every message of a package, so in case of arp.rflx
it runs for ARP::Packet_IPv4
, Ethernet::Frame
, IPv4::Packet
and IPv4::Options
independently, thus 3 outputs (no output for Options, as there are no example messages yet). So it seems like 3 outputs for one specification, but it is really 3 outputs for 3 individual messages.