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RESTful API Proxy for Helm


RESTful API for Helm Repositories and the Tiller service.


  • Tiller v2.0.0



Binaries can be downloaded here.


Launch in Kubernetes:

$ kubectl create -f kube/manifest.yaml

This will create a Service for Tiller in the kube-system namespace, along with the Deployment and Configmap to run Rudder (in the default namespace). Customize as needed with Services, Secrets, etc (until the Rudder helm chart is ready)


$ docker run


$ rudder {{flags}}


Configuration can be provided via cli flags or through environment variables:

Configuration Flag Environment Variable Default
Rudder address --address RUDDER_ADDRESS
Tiller address --tiller-address RUDDER_TILLER_ADDRESS localhost:44134
Repo File --helm-repo-file RUDDER_HELM_REPO_FILE ~/.helm/repository/repositories.yaml
Cache Directory --helm-cache-dir RUDDER_HELM_CACHE_DIR /opt/rudder/cache
Cache Lifetime --helm-repo-cache-lifetime RUDDER_HELM_REPO_CACHE_LIFETIME 10m
Swagger UI Path --swagger-ui-path RUDDER_SWAGGER_UI_PATH /opt/rudder/swagger
Basic Auth Username --basic-auth-username RUDDER_BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME
Basic Auth Password --basic-auth-password RUDDER_BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD
OIDC Issuer URL --oidc-issuer-url RUDDER_OIDC_ISSUER_URL
Client ID --client-id RUDDER_CLIENT_ID
Client Secret --client-secret RUDDER_CLIENT_SECRET
Client Secret Encoded --client-secret-base64-encoded RUDDER_CLIENT_BASE64_ENCODED
Debug Mode --debug


API docs is provided via swagger. This is available at: http://{rudder-url}/swagger.

Using the docker image already has this enabled by default. When using the binary, copy the swagger files to /opt/rudder/swagger or a different directory and set --swagger-ui-path.

Currently there are read-only Helm Repository endpoints for fetching charts from repositories and Basic Release endpoints (tiller), install and uninstall. The rest is still WIP.


Helm Repositories

At the moment, repositories are provided via a repo file. The format should be the same as what helm uses (~/.helm/repository/repositories.yaml). This may change in the future when a repo manager is implemented.

Charts cache

Charts are downloaded from the helm repository and are cached at the location defined by --helm-cache-dir (default: ./opt/rudder/cache). This directory should exist and be writable.


Authentication can be enabled by providing authentication details.

Basic Auth

Providing --basic-auth-username and --basic-auth-password will enable Basic Authentication.


Providing --oidc-issuer-url or --client-secret will enable OIDC.


This is still WIP. Some immediate TODOs are:

  • [ ] implement a repo manager
  • [ ] implement missing tiller functions