Coding-Yabe-Sei icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Coding-Yabe-Sei copied to clipboard

A multi-purpose discord bot that has, moderation, fun, games, and learning commands!


A multi-purpose discord bot that has, moderation, fun, games, and learning commands!

Build Status


Here's the Link to invite yabe to your server, she currently requires permissions that aren't really used, but we plan on making use of such perms.



The Usual

  • Kick (requires for the user doing the kicking to have Kick Members permission, yabe kick <@user> <reason for kick> (optional))
  • Ban (requires for the user doing the banning to have Ban Members permission, yabe ban <@user> <reason for ban> (optional))
  • Remove (requires for the user deleting the messages to have Manage Messages permission, yabe rem <number of message to delete>)


  • Meme (random meme from the internet, yabe meme)
  • Slap (slaps the user you mention, yabe slap <@user to slap>)
  • Smug (posts a random smug anime girl, yabe smug) and many more


  • 8ball (ask yabe a question and she'll give you your desired answer, yabe 8ball <question>)
  • Roll (rolls )
  • Flip We know it's not a lot but we'll try to add better games as soon as we get better hosting.

Honorable mentions

- Translate:

Yabe can translate any piece of text you provide from almost all languages you can think of, just do yabe translate list for a list of supported languages and their respective ISO-639-1 codes, and yabe help translate on how to use the command.

- Learn:

Yabe has a learn command for learning concepts in various programming languages. This command is still a work-in-progress so it's doesn't work yet.


If you require assistance with anything, or have any questions about yabe you can make an issue on our github here, or join our support server and have a chat with the devs.


  • [x] Make a proper (really this time :squint:)
  • [x] implement command handler
  • [x] add commands and events
  • [x] hosting
  • [ ] finish modules
    • [ ] learning
    • [ ] fun
    • [ ] games
    • [ ] music
    • [ ] random


  1. Clone repository
  2. npm install
  3. Copy .env-template and rename to .env
  4. Fill out .env
  1. Visit, replacing the placeholder with your real Client ID.