HyperledgerFabric-Voting-- icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
HyperledgerFabric-Voting-- copied to clipboard

Voting System, A blockchain based web app that ensures complete anonymity and 100% result. A voting DAPP made with MERN stack and Hyperledger Fabric.

Voting System using HyperledgerFabric

Screen Shots

WhatsApp Image 2021-10-27 at 4 29 55 AM 5 4 3 1 WhatsApp Image 2021-10-27 at 4 29 54 AM (1) WhatsApp Image 2021-10-27 at 4 29 54 AM


Voting System, A blockchain based web app that ensures complete anonymity and 100% result. A voting web app made with MERN stack and Hyperledger Fabric. A one of a kind voting system, making other voting systems obsolete.

Weve used MERN stack as our main tech stack, incroporating MongoDB,ExpressJS, ReactJS and NodeJS. A huge part of the project is based on javascript mainly because of the popular tech stack.

Then for our blockchain we have used one of the most popualar framework for residing with our custom built blockchain, Hyperledger Fabric. Hyperledger Fabric allows to build architectural based application that has the use case of a private blockchain. Pak Voting System is one of the best use cases for using private blockchain.

Along side with Hyperledger Fabric we also have used hyperledger explorer which provides a user friendly interface to see blockchain transactions that is going accross the network.

If your interested,You can contact either of us on the contacts below.

Instructions of running it locally

1) git clone https://github.com/Abubakar-FYP/Voting-System-using-HyperledgerFabric

2) open two terminals, gitbash(recommmended because its fast on windows, you can use any terminal like powershell/command prompt)

3) go to root of directory in the first terminal, your directory should be the same in which app.js is present

4) go from root directory to FrontEnd directory in the second terminal,

5) first, type (yarn i or npm i) to install all packages in both terminals(!important)

6) after both installation is complete, in the first terminal write (nodemon app) or if it doesn't work type (node app)

7) in the second terminal type Npm run dev

8) Viola you've successfully launched both the front and the backend, go ahead and use it :)


Syed Murtaza Ali Shah

Email: [email protected]

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/syed-murtaza-ali-shah

Twitter: MurtazaAli7786

Abubakar Mujahid

Email: [email protected]

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/abubakar-m-747940103/

Twitter: abubakar_672