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The Ableton Push 2 MIDI and display interface manual.
Can the note repeat be used outside of Ableton Live, or is the actual repeating of the notes happening in Live, and push is simply controlling and setting track data?
It would be great to have (perhaps in a separate doc or in the appendix of the current doc) the default RGB color palette in its entirety (only a subset...
The command list.. https://github.com/Ableton/push-interface/blob/master/doc/AbletonPush2MIDIDisplayInterface.asc#242-command-list .. shows that Push2 would not send a reply to Get Display Brightness. I presume this can't be right. Also, it seems that the only setter...
When Live is running, switching to User Mode doesn't release the display. It is still connected to show the User Mode graphic. This means that libusb can't connect to the...
The documentation says : > If the host never sent a MIDI start message, the animations run at a tempo of 120 bpm. But it seems this is not the...
Hi From what I understood, it is not possible to send direct RGB values to Push LEDs. It's a shame, it would be very useful. Anyway, I am trying to...
Is the Push 3 backwards compatible with Push 2.