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Blog CMS is a content management system , created by Abiruzzaman Molla with the massive support and involvement of the community.

Blog CMS

Blog CMS is a content management system , created by Abiruzzaman Molla with the massive support and involvement of the community. To get started, check out http://localhost!

Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • Used Languages
  • Working Process
  • Creators
  • Copyright and license

Used Languages

Here we used-languages:

  • Front End langusges

  • Back End langusges

    • PHP
    • MySQL
    • Jquery

You can learn all of those in

Working Process

  1. [x] Bootstrap customaization and making useable.
  • [x] Connection with database.
  • [x] Adding Category feature.
  • [x] Adding post feature.
  • [x] Adding post comment feature.
  • [x] Adding user feature.
  • [x] Adding user login feature.
  • [x] Adding user profile feature.
  • [x] Adding deshboard feature in admin index and user index.
  • [x] Improving our CMS
  • [x] Adding Message and Notification(Panding Posts, Pandding Commenst, Pandding Messages)
  • [x] Adding user registation feature.
  • [x] Adding author related posts.
  • [x] Adding pagination feature.
  • [x] Changing password encryption crypt() to password_hash() .
  • [x] Changing post permission to admin only.
  • [x] Changing comments feature guest to logged user only.
  • [x] Fixing some security bugs.
  • [x] Adding content page and mail system also notification in admin nevbar.
  • [x] Adding Pop-up delete confirmation .
  • [x] Changing old registation feature to new .
  • [x] Changing mysql to mysql_prepare() statment in add post, update post, delete post.
  • [x] Connecting two database table in view all post.
  • [x] Changing registation fileds.
  • [x] Adding recent posts and comments view in index page.
  • [x] Adding social plugin to index sidebar.
  • [x] Improvement in user profile.
  • [x] Allow user to add post.
  • [x] Allow guest to comments in post.
  • [x] Make a section for users.
  • [x] Add profile picture in comments.
  • [x] Logged user feature. Reg date in profile . Last login date in profile.

Features to add next

  • [ ] Add inbox reply system for admin replay in comments.
  • [ ] Add image only file system in user profile picture and blog post preview.
  • [ ] Improvement in Registration, Email verifivation, password recovery.
  • [ ] Improvement in admin section.
  • [ ] Add rank system in users.
  • [ ] Add file uploading option.
  • [ ] Make a new section for forum.
  • [ ] Create your own portfullio in about section.
  • [ ] Add terms and condition page.
  • [ ] More improvement in notification.
  • [ ] Add backup datebse secdual feauter.

Bugs and feature requests

Have a bug or a feature request? Please first read the Fixed Bugs and search for existing and closed issues. If your problem or idea is not addressed yet, please mail us.

Note that **feature requests must target Bootstrap v4.


Get updates on Bootstrap's development and chat with the project maintainers and community members.


Abiruzzaman Molla

Copyright and license

** No liceanse yet... Thanks.