Abhijith Ganesh
Abhijith Ganesh
got it, I shall use them
Heyy, quick question, can I use exists.py to validate? I have currently based my function design on update and insert as of now,
@dantownsend I am super sorry for leaving this on open! I shall finish this ASAP!
> > > That's right, it will most likely be an `on_conflict` argument to `Insert`. If you look at the codebase, there are many 'delegates'. For example: > > https://github.com/piccolo-orm/piccolo/blob/8ec9d10313c9ac44916f01e27c9ef58eb22ae0d9/piccolo/query/mixins.py#L38-L53...
@dantownsend can you please explain which slot on_conflict should take
Heyy Max, I would like to work on this!
Definitely @mxinden
Can you explain about the expensive part of validating ? Does this mean this is taking more time/process ?
so here, I am trying to ensure the `Registry::register` doesn't allow duplication and optimize this for testing situations
@mxinden and @thomaseizinger , I am a new contributor to this project, I am interested in knowing why we should or shouldn't support WASM ? Why WASM for a client...