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Generate cross-platform sound intimations, push notifications and get a telegram message when a process execution is finished in the cloud platform.

intimations v1.0

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  • Cross platform intimations
  • Sound intimations and Toast/Message intimations
  • Telegram bot intimations/message
  • Flashing Taskbar Icon (for windows platform)
  • Supports Command line


This module makes it easy to get intimations such as a beep sound, push/toast notification, or a telegram bot message during and after the execution of code/process

  • Simply popup alerts, warnings, success or any other actions with different icons
  • Make a buzzer sound with different sound effects
  • Receive a message intimations to your smartphone (via telegram bot).

Using this module, telegram messages would be received when execution of a process/code is completed on system or a cloud platform.


You can focus on other activities till you receive an intimation about your executing code/process.

Interactive icons and sounds which will intimate you about the executing process/code's activity will save your time and let you enjoy the status of your executing code/process.

:warning: Warning: The intimations module is not secure. Only pass data you trust. :warning:


You can install intimations by running the following command

pip install intimations

Command line Usage

Get a sound intimation

python -m intimations beep --sound success --count 2 --interval 5

sound : info, danger, success, warning or ANY_MP3_FILE_PATH

Get message intimation

python -m intimations push --title 'TITLE OF INTIMATION' --message 'MESSAGE BODY' --icon success

icon : info, danger, success, warning or ANY_ICO_FILE_PATH

Get a Telegram bot Message intimation

python -m intimations telegram --botapi YOUR_TELEGRAM_BOT_API --chatid YOUR_BOT_CHAT_ID --title 'TITLE OF INTIMATION' --message 'MESSAGE BODY'

Follow the video to create telegram botAPI and get chatID

To get chat id, navigate to '<YOUR_BOT_API>/getUpdates' in your browser.

Replace '<YOUR_BOT_API>' with your bot api token.

Using Telegram message feature effectively

Create Telegram bot and get the botAPI token and chatID as shown in the video.

Create BOTAPI and CHATID in your OS environmental variables and assign there values.

Now, on terminal, type your command and then enter python module command, as shown below.

ffuf -w 'wordlist.txt' -u 'https://target/FUZZ' ; python3 -m intimations telegram -t "Title of Process" -m "Successfully executed"

You will receive a Telegram notification on your mobile device once your cloud platform has completed FUZZING or the execution of your command.

Integrating intimations in code

Developed by Abhijith Boppe -
from intimations import *

#get a beep sound
beep(sound='info', count=3, interval=3.0)

#get a push intimation
push('intimation', 'By Abhijith Boppe', duration:int=10, icon=r"sign")

#get an intimation/message to your telegram mobile app

telegram(botAPI=BOT_API, chatID=CHAT_ID, title='TITLE', message'YOUR MESSAGE')

#Flash icon on taskbar (windows platform only)
flashIcon(count:int=3, interval:float=1.5)

Have a look at Stock icons and sounds

Developed by Abhijith Boppe -
from intimations import *

for type_ in ['info', 'danger', 'warning' , 'success']:
    push(title='Testing', message=f'This is {type_} message.',icon=type_)

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License & copyright

© Abhijith Boppe, Security analyst


Licensed under the MIT License