Abed Elezz
Abed Elezz
Do you mean change the IP by link?
What phone and Android versions are you using? Can you post a screenshot of your software information page on your phone?
I think what's happening here is your phone is closing the app due to battery optimization. Can you check the status on that from your settings? > Is it possible...
Does this happen after a reboot as you've mentioned in the other issue?
This is not normal behavior. The app saves the credentials and they should not change even after you restart it. Which version are you using?
Why does the phone reboot? Does this only happen after a reboot? I'll try to replicate this behavior and see what happens. > Are credentials generated on the proxy server...
I'm working on the next update so I'll be adding that. Do the credentials change for you if you exit and restart the app? Specifically when using the exit button?
There's an error in the docs I need to fix. You need to `cd ./server` then run the command.
Reopening this so I don't forget about it.
> For now, I am restarting the whole server process when this happening but I would like to ask if anyone knows more about this or is facing this issue....