Auto-Photoshop-StableDiffusion-Plugin copied to clipboard
Port number is hardcoded as 7860 in multiple places in the code
Some installs of Automatic1111 need different port ranges. There should be some configurable way of setting the port if it is not the default.
This would be a fairly easy issue to contribute a pull request fix for.
Same issue here, my a1111 is using port:7861 but the plugin is connecting to 7860...
Same issue here, my a1111 is using port:7861 but the plugin is connecting to 7860...
i just figured out that i can just add --port 7860 after the argument.
what did you end up changing? the webui-user.bat? i use port 7861 too
what did you end up changing? the webui-user.bat? i use port 7861 too
yes, just add [--port 7860] after [set COMMANDLINE_ARGS=] of [webui-user.bat] But, if some program is using the port 7860, it will come back with an error
I've jsut merge #8 , pull and then edit the "start_server.bat"
set SD_URL=
set it to your remote auto1111 address, or just change the port if that is all you need. that should fix your
hmm still cannot connect.
my mac connects to my PC running SD using http://192.XXX.XX.XX:7861
@screan you can copy and paste your automatic1111 url into SD URL field in the setting tab. If that doesn't solve it, you should open an new issue.