Just a quick check: when You plug gpio 17, are you using the 17th pin or the pin labeled gpio 17 (that is actually the 11th pin:) the later should...
You are correct, you should get: GPIO 17: level=1 fsel=0 func=INPUT pull=UP Without the pull-up the pin is just floating, if you have a resistor at hand you can try...
Yes, so if you issue `raspi-gpio set 17 pu` then you issue `raspi-gpio get 17` you should get: `GPIO 17: level=1 fsel=0 func=INPUT pull=UP`
It is highly unlikely that the signal is too week as the voltage (3.3) is coming from the Pi, and this is the range the Pi detects changes. So what...
I encountered the issue when I do npm start and then terminate with ctrl+c after several cycle. Adding these listeners seemingly solv the issue but I would need to do...
Actually there is an event signal for unhandledException: ```js process.on('uncaughtException', err => { console.log(`Uncaught Exception: ${err.message}`) process.exit(1) }) ``` So technically there is no need a huge try catch block...
> I guess the ANT+ server will run its own process as well. So keeping track of all spawned processes and cleaning up the mess when something crashes has to...
I did more tests and I think I understand the main problem: When I send SIGINT via ctrl+c to the main node process, sometimes it fails to stop the forked...
> I noticed some intelligence on the systemctl part as well: after five reboots, it stops rebooting a failing process automatically (see https://freshman.tech/snippets/linux/auto-restart-systemd-service/). I don't know if that is the...
That is very interesting. I have not taken measurements of the jack rings, but it might be (to the contrary on the picture) that the tip is gnd and the...