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A simple, experimental Ruby library for controlling Philips Hue lights.


This is a very early attempt to create a Ruby library for controlling the Philips Hue lighting system. The API has not yet been released, but there are several people working to figure it out.


All of this is very experimental and could permanently damage your awesome (but ridiculously expensive) lightbulbs. As such, exercise extreme caution.

Getting Started

You can get a great overview of the options and limitations of the lights from Ross McKillop.

You will need to find the IP address of your bridge unit and also generate a unique ID (UUID works great) for your controlling application and add them to the top of the hue.rb file.

You will need to use this information to register your app with the controller. This library does not do that at this time, so you will need to manually do that. I suggest following the Registering Your Application section of Ross's overview.


To begin using, fire up the irb console and load the hue.rb file.

>> load 'hue.rb'
=> true

You can see all of the lights attached to your controller by querying the bridge.

>> Hue::Bridge.identities
=> {"1"=>"Master Bedroom Dresser", "2"=>"Wife Bedside", "3"=>"Bedside (front)", "4"=>"Bedside (back)", "5"=>"Family Room Desk", "6"=>"Family Room", "7"=>"Living Room Square"}

If you know the ID number of a particular lamp, you can access it directly.

>> b =
=> #<Hue::Bulb:0x007fe35a3586b8 @id=5, @hub=#<Hue::Bridge:0x007fe35a358690 @light_id="5">>

# on/off
>> b.on?
=> false

>> b.on
=> true

>> b.on?
=> true

# settings
>> b.settings
=> {"ct"=>343, "on"=>true, "bri"=>240}

>> b.brightness = 128
=> 128

>> b.update hue: 45000, sat: 180
=> true

>> b.settings
=> {"hue"=>45000, "sat"=>180, "on"=>true, "bri"=>128}

# blinking
>> b.blinking?
=> false

>> b.blink
=> nil

>> b.blinking?
=> true

>> b.blink false
=> nil

>> b.blinking?
=> false


There is an experimental mode that attempts to simulate a candle flicker. This defaults to only flickering 15 times as it's really not the way the bridge or bulbs were designed to work. Additionally, this operates on the main thread so you really can't do anything else while it's running.

>> b.candle
=> nil

The candle makes use of temporarily stashing the lamp's current settings before it starts and then restoring them upon completion. You can use this yourself with the stash and restore commands.

Going Forward

There is still a lot of work to be done figuring out the various timer options of the hub, etc. Hopefully, the official API will be released in the near future and expose even more goodies that we're unaware of.