Aaron Feickert
Aaron Feickert
The build script does not properly install `flutter`, as [this line](https://github.com/cypherstack/stack_wallet/blob/dfb227adfb30c34e8915a597c95e8a1d67850cee/scripts/setup.sh#L18) fails. It may also be the case that another `source` is needed after [installing Rust](https://github.com/cypherstack/stack_wallet/blob/staging/scripts/setup.sh#L44).
The build instructions on macOS 14.5 do not work. Since `python-setuptools` is not installed by the instructions, it must be added separately: `brew install python-setuptools` There is also an issue...
It may be useful to support multiscalar multiplication evaluation using partial precomputation, where a larger set of precomputation tables is generated than is needed for an evaluation. This PR adds...
It is the case that performing variable-time Ristretto multiscalar multiplication evaluation using [`VartimeRistrettoPrecomputation`](https://docs.rs/curve25519-dalek/latest/curve25519_dalek/ristretto/struct.VartimeRistrettoPrecomputation.html) may be less efficient than the corresponding [`VartimeMultiscalarMul`](https://docs.rs/curve25519-dalek/latest/curve25519_dalek/traits/trait.VartimeMultiscalarMul.html) implementation, depending on the number of points used. This...
Users should not have to trust that Stack Wallet binaries properly represent the source tree. Reproducible builds mitigate this risk by allowing users to check that a given binary matches...
Users should not have to trust that Stack Wallet binaries properly represent the source tree. Reproducible builds mitigate this risk by allowing users to check that a given binary matches...
This PR improves the handling of constant-time equality for hashes. It adds an optional `subtle` feature that implements `ConstantTimeEq` for `Hash`. This trait uses `subtle` functionality under the hood for...
When testing with Miri, hash equality is checked using a [workaround function](https://github.com/BLAKE3-team/BLAKE3/blob/479eef82d756221abe9f93077b91ce8cf763c32a/src/lib.rs#L318-L331) that attempts to mimic constant-time functionality. This is done only because the [`constant_time_eq`](https://crates.io/crates/constant_time_eq) crate is not compatible with...
This PR implements constant-time ordering (and partial ordering) for `Hash`, but does so differently than #267 and #370. It uses [`subtle`](https://crates.io/crates/subtle) internally to [lexicographically](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/cmp/trait.Ord.html#lexicographical-comparison) compare corresponding bytes, being careful not...
Description --- Adds commitment proofs, which prove knowledge of the opening of a commitment with an optional minimum value assertion. Closes #6282. Supersedes #6348. Motivation and Context --- This PR...