It is better to be ~/.config/xnp2kai directory. I'll test this. Thanks.
I tested to work when no system directory. * No system directory - not create font.bmp - not create np2kai.cfg (configuration not saved) * Empty system directory - create font.bmp...
Thanks, and Sorry to reply too late!! I check that!
I saw your change files, and 'emscripten' branch... Awesome! I wanna merge whole these changes, after checking. Thanks to your wide coverage, and I sorry my lazy to you... I...
I pushed yksoft1@8584060. I modified a bit your code. It included other your fixes too. I'll look and try your code Emscripten future. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!
Thanks. It's NICE idea! I was mainly thinking about users who use gamepads. I think it is possible to use J2M and a real mouse at the same time. This...
I tuned mouse control. Mouse is always enabled. And Mouse cursor moving and left-button be able to controled with joypad stick. Switch Stick2Mouse mode in config to 'L-stick' or 'R-stick(default)'....
Greetings. Sorry I'm not updating now, so I cannot present the next plan. My recreation is about a year planned. At that time GTK 4 may be announced!? Regard.
Sorry for occurring error. I have not confirmed compilation sufficiently, but uploaded the fixed source.
Oh, thanks! I wanted to look this! I check out. 2018-03-25 0:04 GMT+09:00 Tatsuya79 : > By the way, now you can see the logs at any time if you...