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How can I setup cd file path on startup ?
I success to run Policenuts ! finally ! This core works great ^-^
but I could not find way to setup cdrom path on startup so I should designate cd file path via Neko's menu on emulating everytime. It was quite uncomfortable.
Original Neko has way to setup cd file path in configuration file.
FDD1FILE=\\NAS\emul\image\PC98\Policenauts (ja)\boot.hdm
HDD1FILE=\\NAS\emul\image\PC98\Policenauts (ja)\hdi.hdi
CD3_FILE=\\NAS\emul\image\PC98\Policenauts (ja)\cdrom\POLICENAUTS.CUE
but this core only accept HDD?FILE in INI and I failed to point out cdrom file path.
Please help me finding way to setup cdrom file path on startup.
NP2kai's media set at start, you can write .cmd text file.
np2kai hdilocation/aaa.hdi isolocation/bbb.iso
But I never test on Windows network. Please try. If it doesn't work, I fix it.
see reference:
Hi all, I've Tried the core with no issues with hdi files... but I'm not able to run any *.fdi game (black screen); My example of m3u:
Burning Dragon (Wiz)(Disk 1 of 4).fdi Burning Dragon (Wiz)(Disk 2 of 4).fdi Burning Dragon (Wiz)(Disk 3 of 4).fdi Burning Dragon (Wiz)(Disk 4 of 4).fdi
There are same particular things to do ? some command line for m3u ? is different between x68000 & MSX ?
I tried with follow Burning Dragon (Wiz).m3u file
Burning Dragon (Wiz)(Disk 1 of 4).fdi
Burning Dragon (Wiz)(Disk 2 of 4).fdi
Burning Dragon (Wiz)(Disk 3 of 4).fdi
Burning Dragon (Wiz)(Disk 4 of 4).fdi
I could show opening animation.
Operation on RetroArch, loading core -> loading contents -> .m3u file
No command line options for using .m3u file. NP2kai's .m3u file can be written absolute/rerative path. (X68K or MSX's one, probably absolute path only.)