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Sound driver crashes on vita
Description of the problem: sound driver crashes and gets stuck playing a single MIDI note (producing a tinnitus-esque sound). Seems like a sound buffering bug. It doesn't always happen on the same track loop, meaning that sometimes it reproduces the entire sound loop a few times before crashing, but it always crashes and gets stuck on the same note in the loop.
Tested on this game: Kyouiku Jisshuu - Joshikousei Maniacs ( Happens on this track: Tested in this platform: most recent vita nightly (but bug is present in all previous versions). Might also happen in other platforms (Android, etc.) Reproducible: always (but sometimes the loop plays a few times before getting stuck on a note)
It's not a rom or NP2 emulator bug as this problem doesn't happen when running the game on a PC.
Thanks your report!
Probrem you said means on MIDI? or FM sound? NP2kai using MIDI without buffer. (Libretro may has something buffer.) FM sound use libretro's sound buffer.