PulseFFT copied to clipboard
A WebAssembly implementation of the C Fast Fourier Transform library kissFFT
Tried build instructions but `npm start` fails with: ``` emcc -O3 -I. \ --memory-init-file 0 \ -s NO_FILESYSTEM=1 \ -s MODULARIZE=1 \ -s EXPORT_NAME="'KissFFTModule'" \ -s EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS="['_free','_kiss_fftr_alloc','_kiss_fftr','_kiss_fftri','_kiss_fftr_free','_kiss_fft_alloc','_kiss_fft','_kiss_fft_free']" \ -s EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS="['ccall',...
Assumably, there is a reason that installation is not as simple as `npm i pulse-fft`. It would be nice to have some explanation as to why the installation process is...
This is a super cool project! It looks like the demo page fails to finish the async compile step, which prevents the sound analyzer demo from loading. This may just...
how can i run this in node? And why is there no npm package for this?