Try using Cobb Crashlogger with NVAC disabled. That's what a lot of NVSE people will recommend when asking for help with a crash. Maybe post a load order too.
I tried telling my servant, Demorome about it, but that kid just doesn't listen. Although if you're using PrintC if your script, then remove it.
Why would xNVSE break Mod Limit Fix tho? Are you sure some other mod isn't causing an instability?
Demo. Dear dear Demo. I know you can see this. As the main man working on NVSE now, tell me. What broke Mod Limit Fix?
NOT GOOD ENOUGH DEMO! Do you want to go back into the shed? No? Then FIX IT!
I appreciate your concern Vish, but I am fine. Now go back to general and chug your soy.
So this thing has been open for two years. Do you think it is time to close it?
Wait were you the one who complained about ShowOff NVSE generating logs?
Ask the author of Sexout to update their mod to use modern functions and plugins instead of NX.
Yes! Do not lose hope young one! This guide you through all you need to do to get playing FNV.