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non-TLS socket accepted is blocking by default
The documentation for nopoll_conn_get_msg()
states that the accepted socket will be non-blocking by default. This is not the case when the accepted socket has not enabled TLS.
The following line in the internal accept method states it will set non-blocking, and then it sets blocking.
This is not the case for TLS sockets, as evident by this line:
Documentation for nopoll_conn_get_msg()
states that default is non-blocking
This confusing behavior has tripped up multiple co-workers of mine, including me for a time, until I fully comprehended both the websocket standard and the nopoll implementation
I've gotten the same problem while non-TLS. Could I simply move "nopoll_conn_set_sock_block (conn->session, nopoll_false);" from " /* don't complete here the operation but flag it as * pending / conn->pending_ssl_accept = nopoll_true; nopoll_conn_set_sock_block (conn->session, nopoll_false); " out of " if (listener->tls_on || tls_on) { / reached this point, ensure tls is enabled on this * session */ conn->tls_on = nopoll_true; ... nopoll_log (ctx, NOPOLL_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Prepared TLS session to be activated on next reads (conn id %d)", conn->id);
} /* end if */
" .
I tried and test simply, it works.
This issue leaves a server using libnopoll victim for a super-easy denial-of-service attack: just telnet to the non-tls port of the server and send one character (e.g. press ctrl-c) . The nopoll thread will be waiting forever to receive a full line of text, blocking traffic on all other connections. The fix suggested above seems to work.