Statistical_Rethinking_with_brms_ggplot2_and_the_tidyverse_2_ed copied to clipboard
- 2.3.3: "which expresses the model assumption that the entire range of possible values for $p$, $[0, 1]$, are equally plausible"--the right brace is currently missing in $[0, 1 \color{red}]$
- 4.3.2: "Here’s how we might [determine] that percentage for our simulation."
- 6.3.1: "Here we'll take one last step before fitting our model..." is duplicated. Remove one.
- 7.1.1: "If you really [want] the axes scaled in the original metrics"
- 9.2.2: "Here we’ll [wrap] his code into a function called
" - 15.1.3: "To get a sense of the havoc ignoring measurement error can cause, we’ll fit [two] models."
- 15.5.7: Just below the forrest plot, we read: "I’m not aware this [is] typical in random effect meta-analyses"
14.1.1: replace
- 3 Positive mortals (pr_positive_mortal) should be 999 rather than 99.
tibble(pr_vampire = 100 / 100000,
pr_positive_vampire = 95 / 100,
pr_positive_mortal = 999 / 99900) %>%
mutate(pr_positive = 95 + 999) %>%
mutate(pr_vampire_positive = pr_positive_vampire * 100 / pr_positive) %>%
- 3 Positive mortals (pr_positive_mortal) should be 999 rather than 99.
tibble(pr_vampire = 100 / 100000, pr_positive_vampire = 95 / 100, pr_positive_mortal = 999 / 99900) %>% mutate(pr_positive = 95 + 999) %>% mutate(pr_vampire_positive = pr_positive_vampire * 100 / pr_positive) %>% glimpse()
In 8.1 Building an interaction
Let’s ignore $Uv for now…
Should be U
Which is here in your code.
The chapter numbering seems to be off in Chapter 7. e.g:
- Overthinking: WAIC calculation is after 7.4.2 in the book.
- 7.5.1 Comparing CV, PSIS, and WAIC should be 7.4.3
- 7.6 Model comparison should be 7.5
- and then the rest of the chapter
The chapter numbering seems to be off in Chapter 7. e.g:
- Overthinking: WAIC calculation is after 7.4.2 in the book.
- 7.5.1 Comparing CV, PSIS, and WAIC should be 7.4.3
- 7.6 Model comparison should be 7.5
- and then the rest of the chapter
Great catch! Corrected
In 02.Rmd for plot on page 23 at line 294, the balls should be b w b rather than w b w.
In 4.3.1 "For example, we can use is to casually show how left skewed the our height variable..." Replace 'is' to 'it'