OfflineReverseGeocode copied to clipboard
Very skewed distribution of duration on large datasets
Hi, I'm trying to use your code as part of an algorithm on a large dataset using Scala and Apache Spark. I'm having great results in terms of accuracy but I did if on several samples of GPS tracklog data and have a very skewed distribution of duration
Metric | Min | 25th percentile | Median | 75th percentile | Max |
Duration | 10 s | 1.2 min | 6.2 min | 12 min | 51 min |
GC Time | 0.2 s | 2 s | 4 s | 4 s | 10 s |
Input | 25.5 MB | 128.1 MB | 128.1 MB | 128.1 MB | 128.1 MB |
Output | 18.4 MB | 93.3 MB | 93.6 MB | 93.7 MB | 94.0 MB |
I would like to know it this is an expected behaviour of this algorithm or if you have some tips and tricks to have a more stable results for any dataset (having less variance, maybe at the cost of having an higher average duration.
The average complexity of the kd-tree, O(logn), should be what we see since it's a large dataset (barring some bug). It would be good to narrow down further (halve the datasets, take the slowest half and repeat). Perhaps there's a set of lookups that cause a particular issue.
I suspect this could be an old fashion memory caching issue. One thing i would try is to sort the datasets by location to some degree first. Points near each other in the real world will also traverse the same parts of the KD-Tree.
I have made the observation that if the points I search for is within the area covered by the points in K-D tree everything goes smoothly but when I search for nearest from a set of points well outside the covered area the search is significantly slower.
Example Number of points in KDtree: 749063 Time for finding 1000 nearest when points are well outside K-d tree area: 29 seconds Time for finding 1000 nearest when points are in the middle of the K-d tree area: less than a second
@franc00018 - did you face any serialisation issues while using it with spark ?
Not of what I remember. My code completed successfully. It was on Spark 1.2.1. I unfortunately don't have access to the data anymore so I can't easily reproduce.