LogViewer copied to clipboard
arcanedev logviewer pagination icon twice
arcanedev logviewer pagination icon twice
Laravel 8 PHP 7.4 bootstrap 4
it is showing twice pagination ico
Same issue
Laravel 8 PHP 8.1.3 Bootstrap 4
yes, I research a lot and I think we need to stop the tailwind CSS disabled. Maybe. hope so administrator could share a solution
Yeah! I reread docs again and fix it.
- Important Note in package docs: https://github.com/ARCANEDEV/LogViewer/blob/master/_docs/1.Installation-and-Setup.md#important-note
- Laravel Docs: https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/upgrade#pagination-defaults
Now it looks perfect!
could you tell what actually changes you have done
Yeah! I reread docs again and fix it.
- Important Note in package docs: https://github.com/ARCANEDEV/LogViewer/blob/master/_docs/1.Installation-and-Setup.md#important-note
- Laravel Docs: https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/upgrade#pagination-defaults
Now it looks perfect!
could you let me the changes as I'm facing error. I have change in "App Service provider" file
I'm facing this error
Undefined property: Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator::$render (View: C:\xampp\htdocs\screening\resources\views\vendor\log-viewer\bootstrap-4\show.blade.php)
I also done it creating a simple mistake.
@if ($entries->hasPages())
<div class="panel-footer">
{!! $entries->appends(compact('query'))->render() !!}
<span class="label label-info pull-right">
@lang('Page :current of :last', ['current' => $entries->currentPage(), 'last' => $entries->lastPage()])
replace your pagination render code.
The paginator now uses the Tailwind CSS framework for its default styling. In order to keep using Bootstrap, you should add the following method call to the boot method of your application's AppServiceProvider:
use Illuminate\Pagination\Paginator;