react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view copied to clipboard
Screen scrolls up and down when keyboard is up.
Issue Video :
I have used these props:
enableOnAndroid={true} keyboardShouldPersistTaps={"handled"} style={Styles.parentScrollView} enableResetScrollToCoords={false}
parentScrollView: { flexGrow: 1, paddingLeft: 20, paddingRight: 20, marginTop: DW(10) }
It is specific for iOS 14
@janicduplessis @ChetanBains
Add this prop: contentInset={{top: someFixedValue}}
The issue is not in this package but in iOS.
This behavior causes issues on SafeAreaView from as well.
Looks like the native components from iOS emits several events about the insets with wrong values.
I suggest you to take care of the top inset in a parent and use top: 0
but that's up to you guys
contentInset={{top: someFixedValue}}
@LuuchoRocha Hi, contentInset={{top: 0}} helped for IOS 14, but content stopped scrolling till the end(
contentInset={{top: someFixedValue}}
@LuuchoRocha Hi, contentInset={{top: 0}} helped for IOS 14, but content stopped scrolling till the end(
same problem. Any fix for this?
Try setting: keyboardOpeningTime={0}