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[iOS] Unwated scrolling to top when change focus between two horizontal inputs

Open zmnv opened this issue 4 years ago • 16 comments


Hello. I have a mysterious behavior with iOS when try to change focus between inputs by touch. Numeric keyboard has no 'next' button, also two inputs are inside horizontal layout. NumberInput it's just a forwardRef wrapper for Input in react-native-elements. Also tried with TextInput from react native.

Android works very well!

Play video with problem on


  1. played with all props combinations like keyboardShouldPersistTaps and keyboardDismissMode, enableAutomaticScroll and etc...
  2. tried to disable automatic scroll and use it only in onFocus prop in TextInputs
  3. ref from innerRef don't do anything (because scroll height doesn't changed)
  4. tried change innerRef to ref. nothing changes.


  • Also on iOS it has 'delay' between focus and scroll to input...
  • It doesn't scroll automatically when I write text by hardware or iOS keyboards..


import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';

import { Platform } from 'react-native';
import { StyleSheet } from 'react-native';
import { KeyboardAwareScrollView } from 'react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view';

import { CardHorizontalContent, CardElement } from '@js/components/Card';
import { Button } from '@app/theme/components';
import { Typography } from '@app/theme/components/Typography';
import { LayoutHorizontalItems } from '@app/theme/components/Layout';
import { NumberInput } from '@app/theme/components/TextInput';

import { RulesViewDescription, RulesViewFooter } from '@app/apps/Rules/components';

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
    root: {
        flexGrow: 1,
        paddingTop: 16,
        paddingHorizontal: 24,
    inputsContainer: {
        paddingHorizontal: 0,
        marginHorizontal: -4,
    offset: {
        marginBottom: 16,

export class SetVoltageRuleStep extends PureComponent<never> {

    renderTextInputs() {

        return (
            <LayoutHorizontalItems gutter={4} style={styles.inputsContainer}>
                    placeholder="Min Voltage"
                    style={{ height: 56 }}
                    placeholder="Max Voltage"
                    style={{ height: 56 }}

    renderDescription() {
        const changeOf = 'Process Long Title Name';
        const changeTo = 'Other Device First';

        return (
                Defines battery voltage which will trigger the change of
                <Typography variant="subheading"> {changeOf} </Typography>
                to <Typography variant="subheading">{changeTo}</Typography>.

    render() {

        const extraScrollHeight = Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 48 : 0;

        return (

                    // I've tryed all of values...
                                <Typography variant="subheading" gray>...</Typography>
                </KeyboardAwareScrollView >
                    <Button title="Skip" type="filled" />
                    <Button title="Next" type="filledColor" />


iOS 10.3.1
react-native "0.61.5"
react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view "0.9.1"

also iOS 13.3 the same

zmnv avatar Apr 23 '20 10:04 zmnv

Same here, please fix this.

jp928 avatar Jun 10 '20 05:06 jp928

Same here, please fix this.

Pat-Gekoski avatar Jun 10 '20 17:06 Pat-Gekoski

Try enableResetScrollToCoords={false} ?

icony36 avatar Jun 20 '20 06:06 icony36


I have a similar issue like this, @icony36 solution did not work for me, see the gif, it was recorded with the prop enableResetScrollToCoords set to false

any ideas? I'm out of them :(

ps. sorry about the low fps gif, i used something online to convert my mov..

lucasreppewelander avatar Sep 09 '20 08:09 lucasreppewelander

@lucasreppewelander same issue, any update ??

minh-dai avatar Sep 10 '20 07:09 minh-dai

@lucasreppewelander @minh-dai Similar issue here. Any update, guys?

educbraga avatar Sep 13 '20 21:09 educbraga

I managed to solve it by setting keyboardOpeningTime={Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER}, but it's just a workaround.

I think these issues are related based on my personal issue, and this patched worked for my needs.

AlanLeePhilly avatar Sep 28 '20 21:09 AlanLeePhilly

@AlanLeePhilly Pfff, one thousands thanks for the reference.

diosney avatar Mar 31 '21 20:03 diosney

I have similar issue like @lucasreppewelander, solution @icony36 didn't work for me, solution @AlanLeePhilly didn't work for me as well.

Simulator Screen Recording - iPhone 12 - 2021-11-22 at 12 22 03

Any ideas? I tried everything.. :/

srymarz avatar Nov 22 '21 11:11 srymarz

In my case, I noticed that there is a Keyboard listener to set height for iOS in KeyboardAwareHOC.js Screen Shot 2022-05-20 at 09 12 10 So I just add another listener in my Screen to get the Keyboard height and add it to extraScrollHeight

The code is like below:

class ExampleScreen extends Component {
  constructor(props: any) {
      this.state = {
          keyboardHeight: 0,

      this.keyboardDidShowListener = Keyboard.addListener('keyboardDidShow', this._keyboardDidShow);
      this.keyboardDidHideListener = Keyboard.addListener('keyboardDidHide', this._keyboardDidHide);
  componentWillUnmount () {
  _keyboardDidShow () {
            keyboardHeight: e.endCoordinates.height
  _keyboardDidHide () {
            keyboardHeight: 0

  renderContent() {
  render() {
    return (
                contentContainerStyle={{ flexGrow: 1, }}
                extraScrollHeight={ isIOS? this.state.keyboardHeight: 0}


bdtren avatar May 20 '22 02:05 bdtren

Above solutions didnt work me. What worked was extraHeight prop. extraHeight={150} I had to play around with value to make it work. For instance, 100 didn't work but 150 did.

bibekgurunguh avatar Feb 06 '23 08:02 bibekgurunguh

Above solutions didnt work me. What worked was extraHeight prop. extraHeight={150} I had to play around with value to make it work. For instance, 100 didn't work but 150 did.

extraHeight={150} not work but extraHeight={0} works for me

ryskin avatar Feb 07 '23 14:02 ryskin


This fixed it for me :')

thisisadithk avatar Aug 18 '23 07:08 thisisadithk


This fixed it for me :')

It's working well to me👍

AnhTP-Corize avatar Oct 10 '23 02:10 AnhTP-Corize

same issue here

Polad10 avatar Jan 06 '24 22:01 Polad10


This works fine

MuneebQureshi1 avatar Mar 22 '24 19:03 MuneebQureshi1